"I'm just a-wandering on the face of the Earth" - the Moody Blues

In the meantime, I'm going to show you on the map where I've been, and as my travels expand, I'll be updating these maps, so check back here once in a while.
My travels have come in four broad phases: before I got a driver's license, after I got it but before I joined the Navy, after I started driving a truck, and the fourth phase will be after I stop driving a truck, a point in time that is rapidly approaching.

Being a truck driver has likewise expanded my travels throughout this great country of ours. Before then, most of my travels were between Indiana, Florida, and Mississippi, with occasional detours to go see something interesting. Since then, though, I've been throughout most of the states I've been in, to most of the major cities, and I've traveled along around 80% of the interstate system, with a considerable number of states in which I've driven every mile of interstate they have.
In the future, I intend to visit every state, territory, and national park in the Union, every continent (though I don't like the cold, so my visit to Antarctica will be short), and possibly every country, though as there are a lot of disputed areas and new countries, some of them will have to settle down and play nice before I'll grace them with my presence. I also plan to sail every sea and ocean.
Enjoy the maps, and enjoy the journey!
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